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CO2 Policy

At Urbastyle, we are committed to the environment. We aim to decrease the environmental impacts of our operations. To do this in a structured manner, we have chosen to strive for certification according to the CO2 Performance Ladder.

The CO2 Performance Ladder (CO2PL) is a tool that encourages governments and organizations in the construction industry and beyond to reduce their CO2 emissions and promote sustainable business practices. For the first certification, we aim to get certified on the 3rd level of the Ladder, the highest level focusing purely on our own activities.

Together with external advisors, we have calculated Urbastyle’s emissions for all the years in the period 2021-2023. The chart below shows the result.

A distinction is made between 3 types of emissions:

  • Scope 1 emissions: the emissions from burning fossil fuels (gas, diesel, petrol…). This is the largest part of Urbastyle’s emissions.
  • Scope 2 emissions: the emissions from generating the electricity that Urbastyle withdraws from the grid.
  • Scope 3 emissions: all other emissions in Urbastyle’s value chain. Per the CO2PL requirements, only business travel (airplane and train) emissions are included in these calculations.

While calculating Urbastyle’s emissions, 2 urgent improvement points were identified, and we took immediate action. First, we found a natural gas leakage, which we resolved by closing the pipe. Secondly, we decided to switch to a green electricity contract. Since May, Urbastyle has been using 100% green electricity from Urbastyle’s solar panels and other Belgian solar panel installations.

Over the next months, Urbastyle will take more measures to reduce our energy consumption and CO2 emissions, as well as set reduction targets for the following years.