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L'Escaut Architectures

L'Escaut Architectures

L'Escaut Architectures

L’Escaut is a cooperative of architects.
Located in a former industrial building, shared with performing art and plastic art artists, the agency has build its apporach around two main themas: cultural venues and public spaces.

Evoluting between the world of culture and the shared urbanity, l'Escaut attempts to write architecture in a democratic way, refusing the primacy of the object as well as the unique author. 

Rather than creating architectural objects, l'Escaut prefers to define its productions like a layout. This definition includes the sculptural dimension of architecture and its spatial dimension as well. It goes also over the visual and physical results, architecture is built around the uses that will make it live.

Like a rock band or a collective of artists, l'Escaut boasts creations shared between the different authors who make up the team, showing an aesthetic and philosophical spirit forged commonly over time.

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